Series & Workshops




Yoga for Osteoporosis Series (online)

With Christy Fisher

Spring and Summer 2024 Series:

Fridays, 12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
Session 1: April 26 – May 31, 2024 6 week Series/$120
Buy the class pass for the series on our Punchpass site.  Monthly and weekly unlimited passholders are also welcome.

Session 2: July 12 – August 23, 2024 7 week Series/$140
Buy the class pass for the series on our Punchpass site.  Monthly and weekly unlimited passholders are also welcome.


Classes are online through Wallingford Yoga’s Zoom Classroom.

For people who have registered for the full series or who keep a current monthly unlimited pass, each class will be recorded and available with unlimited access for the duration of the program plus two weeks, which makes it possible to view recordings as often as you would like and to practice at your leisure.

In this series we will:

  • Learn how to adapt yoga practices safely for bones that may be more fragile.
  • Improve strength and balance
  • Study a specific research-supported approach to yoga that has been proven to strengthen bones.

Certified Yoga and Movement Therapist, Christy Fisher, has been teaching therapeutic yoga for over 20 years. She has studied Yoga for Osteoporosis with Ellen Saltonstall and Dr. Loren Fishman and integrates many of these principles into her classes for students who live with Osteoporosis.

You can read more about Saltonstall and Fishman’s current work in the book Yoga for Osteoporosis.

Yogic Tools for Myofascial Release

With Christy Fisher (Certified Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT)

Stay tuned, more workshops coming in 2024!

Fascia is a whole-body system, offering essential support to muscles, bones, organs, and joints as well as our mind/body connection. In these workshops, we will incorporate soft balls, restorative yoga props and gentle yoga practices.

Tending to our fascial network as a regular practice, can have a profound effect on our wellbeing. Experience:

• Less chronic pain

• Injury prevention and healing

• Greater strength, freedom, and flexibility in movement

• Improved coordination and balance

• Deep relaxation

Practice videos will be available for 4 months to support your home practice!

An Introduction to Ayurveda

With Christy Fisher (Certified Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT)

Cost: FREE. Reservations are required.

Sunday, July 28, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. (In-Person)
At the Wallingford Studio, 1405 North 43rd Street, Seattle WA.
With homemade Ayurvedic cookies and tea.
Class size limit: 10 students.
Reserve your spot for in-person -> click here

Or join Wednesday evening, August 21, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. (Online through Zoom)
Reserve your spot online -> click here

In this experiential and fun workshop, we will explore some of the foundational principles of Ayurveda and how it works.

What is Ayurveda?

Did you know that the yoga we practice is just one aspect of a wider healing system of Ayurveda? Originating thousands of years ago in India, Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. And it is now finally being recognized in the West as a powerful healing modality.

The science of Ayurveda is based on a theory that all aspects of nature are manifestations of five elements or “panchamahabhutas” including earth, water, fire, air, and ether. We each contain a particular combination of these elements that distinguish our unique ‘constitutions’. Wellbeing and longevity can be supported by maintaining balance in these unique constitutions or in finding ways to return to homeostasis when we are out of balance. Understanding these principles and applying simple Ayurvedic tools can be powerful when healing from disease; or when incorporated as a complimentary tool along with more traditional allopathic treatments; and, importantly, in the prevention of disease.

Ayurveda offers time tested methods for restoring balance and supporting health and healing throughout life. Adopting even a few Ayurvedic practices have been shown to support things like:

  • Healthy Aging
  • Improved energy
  • Good sleep
  • Emotional wellness
  • Mental clarity
  • Healthier Digestion and Stronger immunity

Among many other benefits!